We are excited to launch version 2.0 of the FIGHT vEDS website! We appreciate all of the feedback we have received from the vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome community and have used your input to bring more of what you want to FIGHT vEDS.

Learn more about specific new features below—or check out the entire site to see the changes for yourself!
Homepage: our new homepage includes a scroll bar which will feature new information and updates as they are added to our sites. Follow it to never miss any news in the vEDS community!
Photo Gallery: We've expanded our photo gallery with more images and content
Glossary: We've added a glossary of frequently used terms to help further your understanding of vascular EDS
Types of Vascular Events: This new section explains the common complications in vascular EDS such as aneurysms and dissections to help give patients a clearer understanding
Videos: Check out the newest and latest videos available in vEDS!
Related Disorders: Find information on disorders similar to vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome including Marfan Syndrome, Loeys-Dietz Syndrome and Fibromuscular Dysplasia
Collagen: Learn more about collagen, the structural protein which causes symptoms of vascular EDS
Coming soon: will be sections of vascular EDS and pregnancy as well as school precautions for children
Upcoming Events: keep track of the most recent and upcoming events in the vascular EDS community! From fundraising events to patient information sessions, they will all be included here.
Community Forum: Our new forum is devoted to all things vascular EDS. Ask questions to fellow patients, update others on new news and meet fellow members of the vEDS community!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the new version of our website. Don't forget to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date on all things vEDS!
The FightEDS Team